
Valor Home Remodeling




The video doesn’t lie. If you have missing shingles you’ll only know if you have a roof inspection done. The good news is that is a strong recommendation for a new roof…from the insurance company’s pocket.



00:02 Nick Bonadies: Hey, how are you? Nick Bonadies here, I wanna show you a couple of things that we’re finding on this roof this morning while we’re inspecting it. So this is what you see when we’re looking around. Look at all the missing shingles here, and this is just one area. Now, we were not able to see this from the ground, so we couldn’t see that from the ground, but the cool thing is, is if people have missing shingles, we’re able to get the insurance company to replace the roof. So just wanted to show you a quick video. And again, we couldn’t see this from the ground until we got up on the roof. Have a great day.